zum Inhalt springen


AG Thomma
Zülpicher Str. 47b
50674 Köln

Prof. Dr. Thomma
Phone: +49 (0)-221-470 89261
Email: bthomma@uni-koeln.de

Secretary Jana Scharer
Phone: +49 (0)-221-470 76350
Email: jscharer@uni-koeln.de

We are located in building 304 which is the red marked building on the site map.

Please do not hesitate to contact jscharerSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de or call +49 (0)221-470 47076350 to be picked up at the door.

How to get to us

Public Transport Tips

For further details regarding your travels, kindly refer to the timetables and booking options online. They are provided by Deutsche Bahn AG and Verkehrsverbund Rhein/Sieg (VRS). Both websites are available in multiple languages.